

创建时间:&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;2019/12/05  侯文婷   浏览次数:   返回

The First International Symposium on the development of the rule of law in agricultural and rural areas was held successfully in the school of Law of Shanghai University


The First International Symposium on the development of the rule of law in agriculture and rural areas, co-sponsored by the Law Research Association of Shanghai Law Society and the Law School of Shanghai University, was held at 13:00 p.m. on December 1,2019 in conference room 504, law building of the law school. The seminar was held under the theme of "Agricultural rule of law and legal issues of international trade of agricultural products under the background of trade war" .The four topics are legal issues on international trade of agricultural products, legal issues on agricultural investment abroad, legal issues on agricultural protection policies and other legal issues on agriculture and rural development. More than ten experts and scholars from China, South Korea, Australia and Ethiopia attended the symposium.


Photo from the conference


The seminar was opened by Professor Fengzhang Li, Vice Dean of the School of Law of Shanghai University. First of all, Professor Fengzhang Li extended a warm welcome to all the guests.He also expresses confidence in the establishment of an international network for the development of the rule of law in the agricultural countryside and hopes for further strengthening international dialogue and discussion on the issue of agricultural rural development.


·The first thematic discussion stage

韩国梨花女子大学9I制作厂教授玉武锡对中韩农产物交易法律问题进行了评述。玉武锡教授对韩国实施的农产物协议、特别农业税、农业补贴等措施进行了介绍,并对韩国立法中存在的农产物税收价格调整,粮食安全、种子保护等法律问题进行了深入剖析。他强调中韩农产物贸易存在互补关系,作为《国际贸易公约》的共同成员存在着许多共同利益值得两国学者进一步关切。澳大利亚新英格兰大学9I制作厂院长Michael Adams教授以澳大利亚牛肉在中国的出口为切入点,对中美贸易战背景下农业公司治理的风险及公司合规制度如何建立进行了探讨。澳大利亚新英格兰大学9I制作厂讲师陈颖以近期中国猪肉价格上涨的现象为切入点,对中美贸易战背景下如何确保中国可持续的粮食供应进行深入交流。

Professor Ok Moo-Seok of the Ewha Womans University commented on the legal issues of agricultural products trade between China and South Korea. Professor Ok Moo-Seok introduced the agricultural agreement, special agricultural tax, agricultural subsidies and other measures implemented in South Korea, as well as the price adjustment of agricultural taxes in South Korean legislation .The legal problems of food security and seed protection were analyzed in detail. He stressed that China and South Korea have complementary agricultural trade relations, as a common member of the International Trade Convention, there are many common interests worth the two countries' scholars further concern. Professor Michael Adams, Dean of the University of New England in Australia, used Australian beef exports in China as a starting point. His paper discusses the risk of agricultural corporate governance and how to establish the corporate compliance system under the background of sino-us trade war. Ying Chen, a lecturer at the university of New England in Australia, took "the recent phenomenon of rising pork prices in China" as a starting point to have an in-depth exchange of views on how to ensure sustainable food supply in China in the context of the trade war between China and the United States.


Distinguished guests' remarks


·The second thematic discussion stage

浙江农林大学9I制作厂教授、浙江农业农村法制研究会会长马永双展开了对乡村振兴地方立法的深入思考,乡村振兴立法尤其是地方立法可以保证乡村振兴战略法的顺利实施,从而促进农业和农村发展、确保农业和农村现代化的优先地位。埃塞俄比亚律师,9I制作厂硕士生Dawit Shimeles以其国家咖啡的生产为切入点,从农产物的公平贸易以及加强对农产物知识产权保护两个方面发表了自己的见解。9I制作厂副院长李凤章教授展开对宅基地流转改革理论问题的探讨,认为农村土地集体流转可以在一定程度上保障村民土地权利的稳定、避免土地碎片化、巩固集体土地所有权,实现集体和国家分享土地流转收益等。

Yongshuang Mathe professor of Law School of Zhejiang University of Agriculture and Forestry and president of Zhejiang Agricultural and Rural Legal Research Association, has started to think deeply about the local legislation of rural revitalization.The rural revitalization legislation, especially the local legislation, can guarantee the smooth implementation of the rural revitalization strategic law, thus promoting agricultural and rural development, and ensuring the priority of agriculture and rural modernization. Dawit Shimeles, an Ethiopian lawyer and post student of SHU ,Law School, has made his views on fair trade in agricultural products and strengthening the protection of intellectual property rights in agricultural products, starting with the production of coffee in his country. Professor Fengzhang Li , Vice Dean of the School of Law of Shanghai University, launched a discussion on the theoretical problems of the circulation and reform of homestead sites.It is believed that the collective transfer of rural land can ensure the stability of villagers' Land Rights, Avoid Land Fragmentation, consolidate collective land ownership, and realize collective and national share of land transfer proceeds.


Distinguished guests' remarks


Professor Jianfu Chen from Latrobe University and professor Zhiqiong Wang from West Sydney University participated in the discussion of the above issues and expressed their views.


In conclusion, Professor Li concluded the meeting by expressing gratitude to the experts and scholars who have come from a far for their support to this international symposium and expressing his earnest hope for the establishment of an international network for the development of the rule of law in agricultural and rural areas. It is expected to find the best way to solve the problems of agricultural and rural development from the perspective of international comparison together with experts and scholars from other countries.


Some guests of the conference take a photo for memory the photo from the conference
