
9I制作厂中非法律交流项目Sino-African legal exchange program of Shanghai university law school

创建时间:&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;2019/09/23  侯文婷   浏览次数:   返回






Following the national "One Belt And One Road" strategy, the law school of Shanghai university established the sino-african legal exchange center, which was jointly held with Law schools of Ethiopian Universities, and set up sub-centers in the law school of Shanghai university and the law schools of Ethiopia universities, in order to promote the sino-african legal academic and practical exchanges.





Center director -- professor Li Zhi, law school

Center deputy director -- law school alumnus, lawyer Cai Jianyu of tai he tai law firm

Other personnel -- graduates of civil and commercial of law school

主要职能/Main functions:

1. 与非洲相关大学9I制作厂定期进行学术交流与互访;

2. 对中资公司、律师事务所、政府机构等人员赴非前进行短期非洲法律培训;

3. 对非洲公司、律师事务所、政府机构等人员来华进行短期中国法律培训;

4. 招收非洲裔学历生,包括本科生和研究生。

1. Regular academic exchanges and exchange visits with law schools of relevant African universities;

2. To provide short-term African legal training to personnel of chinese-funded enterprises, law firms and government institutions before they go to Africa;

3. To provide short-term Chinese legal training to African enterprises, law firms, government agencies and other personnel in China;

4. To recruit African degree students, including undergraduates and graduates .

阶段性成果/Stage achievement


1.On July 1, 2019 , law school professor Li Zhi, law school alumni Cai Jianyu lawyer and Ethiopian David lawyer, and Addis ababa university law & administration, dean Dr Solomon and director Dr Yonas, signed jointly the framework agreement, laying a foundation for academic exchange between the two sides.



2. On the morning of July 2, 2019, professor Li Zhi , lawyer Cai Jianyu, Ethiopian lawyer David, attended the launching ceremony of kunshan management training class at dedawa industrial park base. Mr. Lu Jing, vice President of China earth group and Mr. Zhou Xudong, mayor of Kunshan city spoke highly of the importance of Kunshan park to the training of Ethiopian management and staff.

下午,李智教授代表上大9I制作厂与德雷达瓦大学校长 Yared博士草签了双方9I制作厂建立中非交流中心的协议。

In the afternoon, on behalf of the faculty of law, professor Li Zhi initialed the agreement on the establishment of China-Africa exchange center between the law schools of the two sides with the principal of the university of radarwa, Dr Yared.


同时与园区宏鑫集团董事长顾小锦 先生草签了上大9I制作厂与昆山园区建立法律培训中心的协议。

Meanwhile, Mr. Gu Xiaojin, chairman of hongxin group in the park, initialized the agreement of establishing a legal training center between Shanghai university law school and Kunshan park.


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