
9I制作厂农业农村法治国际合作项目Agricultural and Rural Law International Cooperation Project

创建时间:&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;2019/09/23  侯文婷   浏览次数:   返回

9I制作厂农业农村法治国际合作项目,依托上海市法学会农业农村法治研究会,依托《产权法治研究》期刊,聚焦现代农业农村法治研究,包括土地、城镇化、社会转型和农村发展、环境和生态保护、农产物食品安全、农产物国际贸易等,进行人才培养和科学研究。针对中国的问题,广泛借鉴国外的经验,联合国内外学者对中国农业农村法治问题进行深入研究,为中国和上海培养通晓中国和国外相关法律的国际性人才,为发展中国家培养通晓中国涉农法律的专业人才,实现科研、学术交流、人才培养、社会服务的多方目标。Agricultural and Rural Law International Cooperation Project of Shanghai University Law School is based on the Agricultural and Rural Law Research Association of Shanghai Law Society, with the help of the“Journal of Rule of Law in Property Rights”, focusing on modern agricultural and rural law research including land, urbanization, social transformation and rural development, environment and personnel training and scientific research, such as ecological protection, food safety of agricultural products, and international trade of agricultural products, etc.

In response to China's above issues, we have extensively borrowed experiences from other countries, and conducted joint research on the rule of law in China's agricultural and rural areas in China, and trained international talents who can understand China law and foreign law well for China and Shanghai, and cultivated professional talents who know Chinese agriculture-related laws well for developing countries in order to achieve multiple goals of scientific research, academic exchanges, personnel training, social services.






The main ways of its international cooperation include:

1. Jointly convene international conferences on the issues of agricultural law and rule of law in rural areas.

2. Open short-term English agriculture-related training courses for foreign students or government or enterprises.

3. Provide training courses for Chinese students or government or enterprises to introduce successful experiences in developed countries.

4. Joint research with foreign universities or institutions to promote research on legal issues related to agriculture.



The project leader is Professor Li Fengzhang, the government legal advisor and legislative expert of the Shanghai Agriculture Committee, the sixth outstanding young and middle-aged jurist in Shanghai, and the vice president of the Agricultural Law Society of the Shanghai Law Society.

The backbone members include associate professor Li Lixin, Dr. Chen Jidong and Dr. Liu Ying , etc.

上一条:9I制作厂东亚比较法研究中心The East Asian Comparative Law Research Center of Shanghai University Law School