
9I制作厂东亚比较法研究中心The East Asian Comparative Law Research Center of Shanghai University Law School

创建时间:&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;2019/09/23  侯文婷   浏览次数:   返回

The East Asian Comparative Law Research Center of Shanghai University Law School

9I制作厂东亚比较法研究中心 ,依托上海市朝鲜半岛研究会,依托韩国《圆光法学》核心期刊,聚焦商事法律趋同研究,主要从公司法、证券法、民法、刑法、外商投资公司法、自贸区商事纠纷等视角,进行人才培养和科学研究。针对中国的问题,广泛借鉴国外的经验,联合国内外学者对中国商事法律问题进行深入研究,为中国和上海培养通晓中国和国外相关法律的国际性人才。

The East Asian Comparative Law Research Center of Shanghai University Law School, relying on the Shanghai Korean Peninsula Research Association, relies on the core journal of Korean "Wonkwong Law Journal ", focusing on the study of

“Convergence of commercial law”, conduct personnel training and scientific research mainly from the perspective of corporate law, securities law, civil law, criminal law, foreign investment enterprise law, commercial disputes in the Free Trade Zone.

As regards China's commercial legal issues , we draw extensive experience from foreign countries, and conduct in-depth research on Chinese commercial law issues with domestic and foreign scholars, cultivate international talents who understand Chinese and foreign laws for China and Shanghai, and train professionals who are familiar with Chinese laws for developing countries.






To achieve the multi-party goals of scientific research, academic exchanges, personnel training, and social services, the main ways of its international cooperation include:

1. Jointly hold international academic conferences on commercial law convergence

2. Set up short-term exchange programs for foreign students.

3. Organize overseas summer camp projects for Chinese students.

4. Participate in international academic conferences, train students' translation skills, summarize conference skills, and organize skills.



The head of the research center is Professor Cui Wenyu, director of the Chinese Commercial Law Research Association, director of the China Securities Law Research Association, editor of “Wonkwong Law Journal”, a visiting researcher at the Institute of Comparative Law of the Central University of Japan, and an expert of the”Jiajian think tank” of the Jiading Procuratorate of Shanghai.

The backbone members include Associate Professor Zhao Hui and Dr. Liu Hua.

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